Writer | Speaker | Coach


I coach women to write books either one-on-one or through my popular group classes. Space is limited to six participants to maximize attention and feedback. Drop me a line or set up an intake on Calendly to see if I might be a fit for you!

“Andrea Frazer Paventi is brilliant. I love how much Madamn has improved with this group.” —Paula Jean Ferri, Author of Tragically Strong

“Andrea runs her group with grace and generosity. She wants good things for her students and it shows!” —Jocelyn Wright, Author of Adventures with Shammy and Winston (series), Screenwriter and Dramaturg

“Writing with Andrea was an experience I’d never had before. Insight from other writers in a space safe from backbiting, that helped confirm decisions I made while writing my story.” —Ruby Fink, author of Mickey McKinney: Boy Detective (series), and screenwriter

“Andrea’s guidance has helped me to have a clear vision for my book when I came in with just a general idea. Through the support of the group Writer’s Circle I’ve been able to create an effective outline that has made writing the book a more efficient process.” —Suzanne Freyjadis, Writer and Director of Global Development for the International Game Developers Association (IGDA)


If you’re looking for inspiration on book writing, I’m available for hire. Drop me a line or set up an intake via Calendly.


I provide a variety of workshops and both in person and online. Sign up for my Substack or follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok to stay up to date!


I am currently co-writing a book on bipolar disorder. I am available for hire for additional projects in October, 2024.